At DHI Mexico, we believe that a good hair transplant starts with an accurate diagnosis. For this hair restoration treatment to be performed, we need to know a series of aspects regarding the patient´s type of alopecia, health condition, and expectations (among other things).
When you walk into our clinic or have an online consultation, you’ll be greeted by one of our hair specialists, who will guide you through the following steps:
Personal Background
In your initial consultation, the hair specialist will evaluate the state of your hair loss and ask you about:
- Your family history of hair loss.
- Previous hair transplant surgeries (if applicable).
- Lifestyle.
- Medical conditions (if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood-clotting problems, or if you smoke or are taking medication, please be sure to mention it).
- Expectations and goals for the future.
The hair specialist will also explain in detail how the DHI Hair Transplant is done and how long does it usually take. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have.
DHI Mexico has the most advanced diagnostic system for hair loss, a condition that occurs due to many different causes, such as nutrition, genetics, phycology, and the environment. The Diagnostic System for Alopecia (DSA) – offered exclusively by DHI centers around the world – examines all these factors, so that we can create a customized plan to achieve your hair restoration goals.

By going under DSA, you’ll be able to know:
- Your hair loss type.
- The density of your donor area, hence the quantity of hair available that could be effectively transferred.
- Your potential for future hair loss.
Cost of a Hair Transplant
The cost of a hair transplant can run anywhere from $3,000 USD and up varying from patient to patient, according to their individual conditions and needs. You might want more density in a large area of your scalp, or maybe you are just looking to regrow hair in your temples. Whatever the case may be, a consultation will help reveal what’s the best option for you to achieve an optimal outcome.
Would you like to get your hair back? Take the first step, we are here to help you. Book a FREE ONLINE CONSULTATION with a hair specialist in Tijuana today!