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Every hair transplant procedure, regardless of technique, yields permanent results. Good or bad. Results are permanent and even irreversible. DHI method gives our Certified Surgeons full control over the placement of the hair follicles in terms of angles, direction, and depth. This way we can follow the natural way your hair grows and implant new hairs accordingly for a result that grows naturally and most importantly doesn’t look like a hair transplant.
The results of hair implantation will be noticed a few months after the treatment, enjoying a long-lasting result of natural appearance.
Advantages of the DHI Global Medical Group method:
- Precision of implantation
- No scalpel and no suture
- 90% – 97% effectiveness of implantation
- The results of hair implantation will be visible 3-5 months after the procedure. The results are permanent.
- Implanted hair will not fall
- Hair implant does not cause pain

Hair implantation procedure
1. Extraction Phase::Using a disposable tool designed specifically for this procedure, the hair follicles are extracted by the specialist doctor one by one from the donor area, located on the back of the head. The extracted follicles are kept at a specific temperature and with a solution that allows us to maintain their vitality intact until they are grafted. The extraction instrument has a diameter of or less than 1mm, so it does not leave scars or cause pain. This phase of the procedure lasts approximately 4 hours.
2. Rest: Once the Extraction Phase is completed, the patient can rest for approximately 30 minutes while preparing for the Implantation Phase. During the break, you may enjoy a meal in the company of your family..
3. Fase de implantación: The follicles are implanted in the region presenting hair loss, using a tool patented by DHI Global Medical Group, which also has a diameter of or less than 1mm. This tool allows us to have greater precision in the direction, depth and angle during the implant, thus accomplishing a 100% natural appearance. During this phase of the procedure you can watch TV or check your cell phone, since you will feel no discomfort or pain. The procedure will not leave holes or fissures.
Results: DHI method gives our Certified Surgeons full control over the placement of the hair follicles in terms of angles, direction, and depth. This way ensuring that implanted grafts grow naturally and most importantly doesn’t look like a hair transplant.
With the Direct Hair Implantation technique of DHI, the follicles are implanted one by one, directly in the area presenting hair loss. The implantation is done with the “DHI Implanter”, an instrument specially designed and patented by DHI with which the direction, angle, and depth of each graft is completely controlled.
Hairs are extracted from the sides and back of your head, hair that is resistant to the balding process. Once they implanted they will continue to grow naturally (without falling) in their new location. They can be implanted on the head, beard or eyebrow area.
Characteristics of Direct Hair Implantation
- Completelysafe: Each procedure is carried out using strict safety protocols to absolutely guarantee the welfare of our patients.
- Maximum Effectiveness:DHI assures between 90 and 97% effectiveness in the implantation of each hair. Compared to all other procedures, which average 60% success.
- Virtually Painless: DHI is a virtually painless procedure as tiny disposable instruments (1mm or less) are used
- Specially Designed Tools: Disposable instruments designed by DHI are used both for the extraction and implantation of the follicles. These instruments have a very small diameter (0.6 mm to 1.0 mm) that guarantees the best results in all procedures.
- Result: The tools used allow us to control the direction, depth and angle during the implantation procedure, so that the implanted hair maintains a natural appearance.
- Lifetime growth: Hairs are extracted from the sides and back of your head, hair that is resistant to the balding process. Once they implanted they will continue to grow naturally (without falling) in their new location. They can be implanted on the head, beard or eyebrow area.
- Onlycertified doctors: The entire procedure is carried out only by surgeons who have been trained and certified by DHI Global Medical Group. Before they can perform the procedure on a patient, doctors and nurses receive extensive and rigorous training in the art and science of hair restoration. In addition to this, surgeons must renew their certification each year based on the quality of its results.
Rapid Healing and Continuous Growth
The follicular units are removed with the DHI tool, which due to its tiny diameter design (from 0.6 mm to 1.0 mm), leaves no scars.
In our procedure there are no stitches or scalpels. The bleeding is minimal and healing takes between 3 and 4 days.
FAQ About DHI Hair Transplant
For the first days post-procedure, the patient will be given a prescription of the following antibiotics and anti-inflammatories:
- 1 tablet on the same day as the procedure
- 1 tablet every 12 hours for 4 days
- 1 tablet on the same day as the procedure
- Thenext day 1 tablet in the morning and 1/2 tablet in the afternoon
- Onthe third day 1/2 tablet in the morning and 1/2 in the afternoon
- As of the 2nd day, 1 tablet daily for 4 days
- 1 tablet only advisable in case of pain
As we extract the follicles or root, the hair does not grow back. However, it has been noted that in 5% of cases the hair grows back because part of the root remains inside.
The consultation of hair transplant lasts approximately 45 minutes.
The consultation process involves:
- Do an alopecia test to evaluate hair quality
- Do a mathematical calculation to determine the number of hair that can be extracted and implanted
- Discuss the design of the hairline and its distribution, to give a natural result and with the best possible density.
Local anesthesia can last from 6 to 8 hours.
The DHI technique is virtually painless and causes less irritation than a tattoo. . It is performed under local anesthesia so that the patient can relax, listen to music, watch TV, enjoy a light lunch and even nap during the procedure.
Yes, medical treatment must be continued to preserve and delay the process of existing hair baldness.
Each DHI session is performed under local anesthesia. Anesthesia is injected into the donor site during capillary removal and then into the recipient area at the time of follicle implantation. This is to ensure that the client does not feel pain throughout the procedure.
Most patients don’t report any pain at all after the anesthesia has been applied. Some of them have comment that they do feel a kind of tingling and itching.
In most cases, prices range from $4,500 – $5,500. Depending on how many hairs are transplanted the price can be as low as $3,000 and as high as $6,500.
We accept the following payment methods: Visa and Mastercard credit and debit cards. American Express credit cards. Bank Transfer. Cash and Checks.
The average healing period is 3 to 5 days.
The success rate generally varies between 90 and 97% depending on several external and internal factors.
- Driving is not recommended immediatly after the procedure.
- Keep the transplanted area moist
- Sleep on your back
- Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol or take any illicit substances
- Continue using baby shampoo
- Avoid direct sun exposure
- Avoid intense exercise or contact sports
- Avoid swimming in a pool or beach
- Avoid styling products
- Avoid smoking, alcoholic beverages or illegal substances 3 days prior to the procedure.
- Avoid drugs for pain and/or inflammation (Aspirin, Advil. Flanax, Voltaren, etc) 7 days prior to the procedure.
- Suspend multivitamins, aloe vera, ginseng, gingko biloba, green tea, or any supplement protein 7 days prior to the procedure.
- Treatment with finasteride or minoxidil (lotion or shampoo) must be stopped 7 days prior to the procedure.
- Send to our Clinic Manager the results of your laboratory tests 5 days prior to the procedure.
Every patient who suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, or who takes psychiatric medications, requires special advice by the Total Care Consultant.
The final result of hair restoration can be seen after 12 months of the procedure that the hair has grown and matured, even though the hair growth is visible from the first month. It should be noted that as in a natural cycle of hair, it will fall off and will grow back 3 to 5 months after the procedure.
There will be absolutely no mark or scar after the DHI technique, rather than a slight reddening in the donor area, which will be completely relieved over the course of a week. After finishing the procedure, the donor area (area where the hair is removed) will be bandaged to prevent any infection. This bandage can be removed the next day.