It is quite stressful for people to witness that their hair is getting thinner and eventually disappearing. Thousands start to lose self-esteem and confidence, and anxiety starts to get better of them. If we consider that stress and anxiety also cause hair loss, a detrimental cycle will begin to take place unless the correct treatment is followed. In many cases, people are willing to do almost anything in order to rectify this situation. However, it is important to know that any rash decision would only worsen their condition and might take it to a point where no remedy could work.
Sometimes, the results of these poor decisions related to hair loss can be devastating, and natural looks may be compromised. So, let us try to get an insight into the most prominent hair transplant methods and how they differ from each other.
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant)
Is a method of obtaining follicular units from a donor strip taken from an area of non-balding scalp at the back and sides of the head, removing the grafts from the strip using operating microscopes, and then transplanting the grafts in the bald or thinning areas. After the strip is extracted, the donor area is sewn back, leaving a visible scar in the back of the head. Since the extraction phase does not take much time, the FUT method is usually the cheapest of the hair transplant options.
FUE Hair Transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction)
In this technique of hair transplant, hair grafts are collected by making small circular cuts around its base. When the correct amount of follicles are extracted, the doctor uses them to treat the affected area. The cuts heal gradually and turn into white scars. If the surgeon is highly skilled, then the scars lay almost undetected due to the cuts being done correctly. In comparison to FUT, the cuts take less time to heal and are less visible than the cut mark in case of follicular unit transplant. The technique used in FUT and FUE Hair Transplant is the same when the grafts are implanted. In both cases, an opening (sometimes called channel) is made where the grafts will later be inserted using tweezers.
DHI (Direct Hair Implantation)
DHI can be regarded as a more effective and sophisticated version of the follicular unit extraction method. The punch used to extract hair grafts is of a diameter less than one millimeter. The technique requires utmost care and is highly concentrated on the concerned donor areas for extraction and the affected areas for implantation. This technique uses a specifically designed tool, an implanter, that helps the doctor control the angle the depth and the direction of every implanted graft. As a consequence, completely natural looking results are achieved almost every single time.
Which one is better?
Due to its large number of positives, the DHI method is the best amongst all in the line. First of all, it is guaranteed that your treatment will be done a doctor that has been trained and certified; thus, quality and consistency is sure to sore high. Second, survival rate is usually higher, exceeding the 90% mark, due to which a lesser number of hairs are needed to be extracted from the donor areas.
There are no stitches and no scars marks in a DHI hair restoration process. The procedure is virtually painless and results are completely natural looking.