What is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses micro-injections of vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, and amino acids to improve hair quality in terms of strength, growth, and volume. This technique was created in France, in 1952; since then, various forms of mesotherapy have developed.

Mesotherapy can help with numerous health and beauty related-issues, but it’s most widely used for skin and hair. When it comes to hair, there are many FDA-approved medicine combinations to achieve different goals.

This hair restoration method is performed using micro-needles and it’s generally painless, although some patients with low pain tolerance may feel a bit uncomfortable. Overall, mesotherapy is a safe, effective and quick (it only takes 20-30 minutes per session) technique to help both men and women to regain their hair.



Top 3 Most Effective Mesotherapy Treatments For Hair Loss

1. Stem Cell Mesotherapy

Stem cells are cells that can transform themselves into different types of cells found in the body, that have the capacity of repairing certain tissues. This kind of mesotherapy stimulates and grows new follicles, thus new, healthy hair with much-improved quality and texture.

When Is Stem Cell Mesotherapy Recommended?
It’s ideal for patients:

  • With patterned hair loss (crown, temples).
  • Who are undergoing a hair transplant procedure. Combining stem cell mesotherapy with a hair implant brings many benefits:

Before: It helps to improve the quality of the hair in the “donor area” (where the hair will be extracted from during the hair transplant).

During: When used during the hair transplant procedure, stem cells accelerate the healing process, making recovery much easier and comfortable.

After: Stem cells make the new hair grow faster and healthier, therefore preventing hair loss in the entire scalp and not only where the hair was implanted.

How Many Sessions Does Stem Cell Mesotherapy Require?
You can have 1, 3, or 6 sessions, depending on your needs or goals. When combined with a hair transplant, we usually recommend 6 treatments:

  • 1 session, one month before the procedure.
  • 1 session during the hair implant.
  • 1 session, one month after the transplant.
  • 3 sessions, one every two months.

In total, the 6-session treatment is completed in an 8-month period.

2.Hair Cocktail

A hair cocktail is a formula that contains a powerful combination of nutrients that act at different levels and phases of the hair growth cycle. This type of mesotherapy induces vasodilation, which optimizes the supply of high concentrations of group B vitamins; they prevent hormonal and glandular imbalances in male and female hair loss situations.

When Is Hair Cocktail Recommended?
It’s ideal for patients:

  • With patterned hair loss (crown, temples).
  • Who suffer from abnormal, constant hair loss and are taking oral finasteride.

How Many Sessions Does a Hair Cocktail Require?
You can have:

  • 1 session.
  • 3 sessions, one each month.
  • 6 sessions, one every month, for 3 months – then one every two months.

In total, the 6-session treatment is completed in an 8-month period.



Dutasteride is a medicine that reduces the amount of DHT in your body, one of the androgens that can cause hair follicle miniaturization. Dutasteride works similar to finasteride but is more effective for male pattern baldness as it blocks both types I and II of 5-alpha reductase. Apart from this, there’s one more significant difference: While finasteride can cause erectile dysfunction as a side effect, injected dutasteride doesn’t because it only affects the treated area on the scalp.

When Is Dutasteride Recommended?
It’s ideal for patients:

  • With patterned hair loss (crown, temples).
  • Who suffer from abnormal, constant hair loss, but are not under any treatment.
  • Who fear the sexual side effects that finasteride may have.

How Many Sessions Does Dutasteride Require?
You can have:

  • 1 session.
  • 3 sessions, one every two months.
  • 6 sessions, one every two months.

In total, the 6-session treatment is completed in a 10-month period.

Whether you are looking for preventive hair loss treatments (like mesotherapy) or corrective procedures (like a hair transplant), at DHI Mexico you’ll find a variety of personalized solutions for hair restoration. Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION today!