You have around 18 years old, and you start noticing that you are losing hair. Why me? You might think, and as more and more hair keeps falling, so does your self-confidence. One might think that, given the age, young men wouldn’t likely have hair loss problems. The reality is, this does happen.


Hair loss in young men can be caused by many reasons, including genetics, bad nutrition, stress, or a medical condition. Getting bald it’s not a fun experience for the majority of people (certainly not for those in their late teen years – when you are supposed to be at the peak of your health). Hair loss might be making you feel increasingly concerned about your appearance, so you start researching different hair growth treatments, and suddenly, the option of a hair transplant pops up.

Mid-20s? Not the best time

If you are under 25, you might want to wait. Here’s why:

  • At such a young age, it’s very difficult to identify the kind of hair loss and balding patterns a person will have in the future. Hair loss is progressive so, when it comes to hair transplants, we must be able to identify these things, as we would want to make your hair look as great in your 30s as in your 50s. The last thing you want is a teen hairline in a mature face – that would just look unnatural.
  • A hair transplant requires taking hair out from the back of your head (we call this the “donor area”). For this kind of hair restoration treatment to be successful, the hair in the donor area must be stable – something that doesn’t usually occur at a young age, as follicles keep developing. This means that the transplanted hair will likely fall out, and you might end up needing a second hair transplant in 5 or 10 years.

Hair loss can be worrying at any age. Even if you might have to wait a few more years to go under a hair transplant, you can still talk to a hair specialist in Tijuana to receive advice on preserving the hair you have until you are ready.